Graphic Design

Effective Visual Communication of Posters

Written by Panart

Artist Focus: Ashkan Ghazanchaei
Graphic Designer – IRAN

Ashkan Ghazanchi is an artist from Shiraz who is busy with graphic designing and teaching. Logo and poster designing are Ashkan’s main concerns. His posters can communicate with the audience effectively through their color and form.
Ashkan believes in using appealing colors for creating visual forms in order to grab audience’s attention in a glance. Poster is a narration in a visual communication, which unfortunately tends toward copying and lack of appropriate ideas in our country; but watching Ashkan’s artworks is promising a bright future. We have many young artists with brilliant ideas and talent who make us hopeful to have more and more posters with pure and creative ideas behind them.

Ashkan Ghazanchaei - Graphic Designer Ashkan Ghazanchaei - Graphic Designer Ashkan Ghazanchaei - Graphic Designer Ashkan Ghazanchaei - Graphic Designer Ashkan Ghazanchaei - Graphic Designer Ashkan Ghazanchaei - Graphic Designer