
Idea Development from Social Context

Written by Panart

Artist Focus: Farzaneh Husseini
Sculptor – IRAN

Farzaneh Husseini is a young Persian artist with remarkable artworks in sculpture. She is one of Master Parviz Tanavoli’s students and worked in his studio for four years. Farzaneh finds her ideas from the society context and aims to reflect evident facts of the society with embodying the outcries. Most of her artworks are made of Bronze while her smaller statues are made of wax models and sometimes clay, plaster and even wood. Timing and her accuracy of her artworks ended up in creating a unique collection.

In her last exhibition’s statement, Farzaneh says: “during past three year that I have been engaged with this project, I was horrified and confused while witnessing my surroundings and I was frustrated by my failure in picturing them. Patrick Mac Cabe, Irish writer, writes in his book the Butcher Boy: “probably, there is a black hole in dump people’s stomach, because they cannot shout; but I believe everyone has a black hole inside.”

Farzaneh Husseini - Sculptor Farzaneh Husseini - Sculptor Farzaneh Husseini - Sculptor Farzaneh Husseini - Sculptor Farzaneh Husseini - Sculptor Farzaneh Husseini - Sculptor